Thursday, September 26, 2019

Multi Protocol Label Switching Simulation Lab Report

Multi Protocol Label Switching Simulation - Lab Report Example Modem converts analog signal to digital signals & digital signal to analog signal. Today the internet seems to be an indispensable communication instrument, and everybody who is using the internet wants good services from internet service providers. Good service means, good downloading speed (means time related to opening, closing and downloading a file on the internet), good connectivity (Internet connection can be done easily on request), & transfer of data or file without interruption. Transfer of data or file without disturbance is a very critical factor on the internet, there are lots of internet connections providers, a lot of websites, a lot of data transfer, a lot of web server and lots of computer are accessing internet at the same time. Due to these usages, there is congestion on the internet, which results in delay in data transfer and also there is no surety that the data will be transferred completely. Today each and every organization wants to fulfill all the customers' needs. And the main agenda of most of the organization is Customer Satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is the key of success for any organization. Customer satisfaction can be achieved by providing good Quality of Service (QoS). Parameters for Quality of Service may vary from one organization to another. ... The performance of networking has complete dependence on the above four parameters. So if an organization wants to achieve customer satisfaction, they should have control on these parameters. For controlling these parameters, organizations use packet switching technology and Traffic Engineering. This technology depends on internet protocol addressing. Internet protocol addressing provides a unique number to a particular location. This unique numbers helps to find the location for transfer and minimize congestion. The internet protocol address is a twelve digit number. The Internet Engineering task force developed a technique known as Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), to avoid congestion in networking, avoid delay in data transmission and keeping control on bandwidth. Multi Protocol Label Switching is based on internet protocol addressing. It involves packet data transfer. As the packet enters into Multi Protocol label switching, it receives a label. Depending upon the label Multi Protocol Label Switching defines the most suitable routing or path for data transfer. While defining the path Multi Protocol Label Switching analyze the load on the network & the type of traffic. Based on the analysis Multi Protocol Label Switching divides the traffic in a manner to minimize the network congestion. It also finds the shortest path for data transmission, which transmits the data from one location to other in the minimum time. Validation of MPLS Simulation: As we have come to know MPLS simulation is used to increase the efficiency of the network through minimizing congestion, now we have to validate that really this MPLS simulation is an effective tool for Internet service provider. There are various ways of proving or validating the MPLS

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